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Question 1:

Users have been unable to save documents to /home/tmp/temp and have been receiving the following error:

Path not found

A junior technician checks the locations and sees that /home/tmp/tempa was accidentally created instead of /home/tmp/temp. Which of the following commands should the technician use to fix this issue?

A. cp /home/tmp/tempa /home/tmp/temp

B. mv /home/tmp/tempa /home/tmp/temp

C. cd /temp/tmp/tempa

D. ls /home/tmp/tempa

Correct Answer: B

B. mv /home/tmp/tempa /home/tmp/temp

mv is a command in Linux used to move or rename files and directories.

/home/tmp/tempa is the path of the accidentally created directory.

/home/tmp/temp is the correct path of the directory where users should be saving their documents.

The command mv /home/tmp/tempa /home/tmp/temp will move the directory /home/tmp/tempa to /home/tmp/temp, effectively correcting the issue.

Question 2:

At what point is the Internal Certificate Authority (ICA) created?

A. During the primary Security Management Server installation process.

B. Upon creation of a certificate.

C. When an administrator decides to create one.

D. When an administrator initially logs into SmartConsole.

Correct Answer: A

Question 3:

A Linux systems administrator needs to persistently enable IPv4 forwarding in one of the Linux systems. Which of the following commands can be used together to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)

A. sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward

B. sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

C. echo “net.ipv4.ip_forward=1” >> /etc/sysctl.conf

D. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

E. sysctl -p

F. echo “net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=l” >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Correct Answer: BC allow persistent IPv4 packet forwarding: sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

2. Once the system is satisfactorily tuned, make the new values permanent by modifying /etc/sysctl.conf or the /etc/sysctl.d/ directory.

Question 4:

A Linux systems administrator is setting up a new web server and getting 404 – NOT FOUND errors while trying to access the web server pages from the browser. While working on the diagnosis of this issue, the Linux systems administrator executes the following commands:

Which of the following commands will BEST resolve this issue?

A. sed -i \’s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/\’ /etc/selinux/config

B. restorecon -R -v /var/www/html

C. setenforce 0

D. setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db on

Correct Answer: B

Option B is the best answer to resolve the issue, as the output of the matchpathcon command indicates that the context of the files under /var/www/html is incorrect. restorecon -R -v /var/www/html will restore the default SELinux context to the files under /var/www/html, which will allow the web server to access them properly.

Question 5:

Employees in the finance department are having trouble accessing the file /opt/work/file. All IT employees can read and write the file. Systems administrator reviews the following output:

Which of the following commands would permanently fix the access issue while limiting access to IT and finance department employees?

A. chattr +i file

B. chown it:finance file

C. chmod 666 file

D. setfacl -m g:finance:rw file

Correct Answer: D

D. setfacl -m g:finance:rw file: This command sets a new ACL (access control list) on the file that grants read and write access to the finance group. This option would allow the finance department to access the file while also maintaining the existing permissions for IT employees. The + in the rw option means to add read and write permissions to the existing permissions. The g: specifies that the permission is being set for a group, and the finance is the name of the group.

Question 6:

User1 is a member of the accounting group. Members of this group need to be able to execute but not make changes to a script maintained by User2. The script should not be accessible to other users or groups. Which of the following will give proper access to the script?

A. chown user2:accounting chmod 750

B. chown user1:accounting chmod 777

C. chown accounting:user1 chmod 057

D. chown user2:accounting chmod u+x

Correct Answer: A

Answer A is correct. Chown command syntax is:

chown username:groupname filename

Adding the accounting group to the file and granting rwxr-x— to the file provides the proper access.

Question 7:

In which of the following filesystems are system logs commonly stored?

A. /var

B. /tmp

C. /etc

D. /opt

Correct Answer: A

Question 8:

Which of the following commands is used to configure the default permissions for new files?

A. setenforce

B. sudo

C. umask

D. chmod

Correct Answer: C

C. umask

umask is a command in Linux that sets the default file permissions for newly created files and directories.

The default permissions are calculated by subtracting the umask value from 777 for files and 666 for directories. The result is the default permission for each bit (r, w, and x).

For example, a umask value of 022 would result in file permissions of 644 (666 – 022) and directory permissions of 755 (777 – 022).

Option A (setenforce) is used to set the enforcement mode of SELinux, the security module in Linux. It is not used to configure the default permissions for new files.

Option B (sudo) is used to run commands with administrative privileges. It is not used to configure the default permissions for new files.

Option D (chmod) is used to change the permissions of existing files and directories, but not to configure the default permissions for new files.

Question 9:

A systems administrator made some changes in the ~/.bashrc file and added an alias command. When the administrator tried to use the alias command, it did not work. Which of the following should be executed FIRST?

A. source ~/.bashrc

B. read ~/.bashrc

C. touch ~/.bashrc

D. echo ~/.bashrc

Correct Answer: A

A. source ~/.bashrc

The source command is used to re-read a shell configuration file and make its changes effective immediately in the current shell session. In this case, the administrator made changes to the ~/.bashrc file and added an alias command, but the alias is not working. To make the changes in the ~/.bashrc file effective, the administrator should run the following command: source ~/.bashrc

his will cause the shell to re-read the ~/.bashrc file and apply the changes, including the new alias. After running this command, the administrator should be able to use the alias as expected.

Option B is incorrect because the read command is used to read input from the user, not to re-read a configuration file. Option C is incorrect because the touch command is used to update the modification time of a file, not to re-read a configuration file. Option D is incorrect because the echo command is used to display text on the screen, not to re-read a configuration file.

Question 10:

Which of the following technologies can be used as a central repository of Linux users and groups?





Correct Answer: A

A. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) can be used as a central repository of Linux users and groups. LDAP is a widely used protocol for accessing directory services and is commonly used to store user and group information in a central repository. This central repository can be used to manage user and group information for multiple systems, making it easier to manage and maintain user and group information across an organization.

Question 11:

A Linux administrator needs to correct the permissions of a log file on the server. Which of the following commands should be used to set filename.log permissions to -rwxr–r–. ?

A. chmod 755 filename.log

B. chmod 640 filename.log

C. chmod 740 filename.log

D. chmod 744 filename.log

Correct Answer: D

D. chmod 744 filename.log

The chmod command is used to change the permissions of files in Linux. The number passed to chmod specifies the binary representation of the desired permissions. The binary representation of -rwxr—r– is 111 100 100, which corresponds to the decimal value 744. So, the command to set the permissions to -rwxr—r– is “chmod 744 filename.log”.

Question 12:

A Linux engineer needs to create a custom script,, to run at boot as part of the system services. Which of the following processes would accomplish this task?

A. Create a unit file in the /etc/default/ directory. systemctl enable cleanup systemctl is-enabled cleanup

B. Create a unit file in the /etc/ske1/ directory. systemctl enable cleanup systemctl is-enabled cleanup

C. Create a unit file in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory. systemctl enable cleanup systemctl is-enabled cleanup

D. Create a unit file in the /etc/sysctl.d/ directory. systemctl enable cleanup systemctl is-enabled cleanup

Correct Answer: C

To create a custom script,, to run at boot as part of the system services, the process that would accomplish this task is option C, “Create a unit file in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory”.

Here\’s how this can be done:

Create the script and place it in a suitable location. For example, in the /usr/local/bin directory.

Create a new systemd unit file with the .service extension in the /etc/systemd/system directory. For example, create a file called cleanup.service.

In the cleanup.service file, define the service by setting the service name, description, and the command to execute the script. For example:

[Unit] Description=Cleanup script

[Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/


Question 13:

Users have reported that the interactive sessions were lost on a Linux server. A Linux administrator verifies the server was switched to mode for maintenance. Which of the following commands will restore the server to its usual target?

A. telinit 0

B. systemctl reboot

C. systemctl get-default

D. systemctl emergency

Correct Answer: B

When the system is restarted, the systemd init system will automatically start the services required for the default target. This will include services such as the graphical user interface, networking, and other essential services.

Question 14:

A Linux administrator is installing a web server and needs to check whether web traffic has already been allowed through the firewall. Which of the following commands should the administrator use to accomplish this task?

A. firewalld query-service-http

B. firewall-cmd –check-service http

C. firewall-cmd –query-service http

D. firewalld –check-service http

Correct Answer: C

Correct answer option C. This command queries the firewall daemon (firewalld) to check if the “http” service is currently enabled in the firewall. If the service is enabled, the command will return “yes”; otherwise, it will return “no”.

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